Spider veins

Æðaslit á neðri ganglimum eru mjög algeng og má finna að einhverju marki hjá flestum fullorðinna. Þau valda að jafnaði ekki öðrum óþægindum en útlitslegum. Sjúkdómurinn eru ekki hættuleg og eru ekki merki um undirliggjandi æðasjúkdóm. Sprautað er inn í æðaslitið efni sem fær æðavegginn til að leggjast saman og skemmast.


Æðaslit efni

A substance is injected into the spider veins. The substance is Aetoxysclerol. Sometimes a foam is created from the solution by mixing it with air.

The substance is called Aetoxysclerol and it comes in two different strengths, 0.5% or 1% and it depends on the size of the aneurysm which solution is used. Sometimes a foam is created from the solution by mixing it with air.

The spider vein are still present after treatment, but no blood flows through the spider vein anymore. Often the skin around the spider vein area and the treated spider vein is raised afterwards and it may take weeks or even months to see the final results. Patience is important here. Treatment of varicose veins is almost painless and takes about 20-30 minutes. Sometimes one treatment is not enough and the treatment must be repeated after a few months. It is rare for varicose veins to completely disappear after treatment.

If the disease is along side varicose veins is usually treated four months after the varicose vein surgery. Spider veins often shrink when varicose veins are removed. In the case of only spider veins but no varicose veins, one treatment is often sufficient.

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